She sat there twirling her pen between her fingers, eyes intent upon the book in front of her. She rarely wavered once she was truly focused on something. Unfortunately for Franc Bar, that meant that he wouldn't get a good view of her beautiful eyes until class was over or she finished the assigned reading. He did, however, have the entire rest of her face to gaze upon.
He didn't like to think of himself as a stalker. That's not to say he hadn't been accused of such things by his friends, he just didn't see it that way. He preferred to think of himself as a hopeless romantic that simply hadn't gotten the girl.
All evidence to the contrary, he continued to hold on to the hope that one day, she would spontaneously fall madly in love with him. It didn't make a difference to him that he had never carried on a conversation with her . . . or that he didn't know her name. Four years and he had yet to make any kind of contact, but he knew . . . he KNEW they were destined to be together.
And as he sat watching her, he decided it must be true. That was the only explanation for the fact that she looked up from her book . . . and straight at him!
She looked at him with those gorgeous pale blue eyes, flipped her long blonde hair over her shoulder and smiled at him, dimples shining from her face and stabbing straight into his heart. The world seemed to slow down as she stood up and started walking toward him. The way the window framed her, she seemed to glow. The birds just outside seemed to shine brighter than normal and flew about singing to perfectly frame her figure.
Franc stared, flabbergasted as she walked across the room and right up to his desk. She closed his book and leaned over so they were face-to-face. Despite the powerful pull of her low-cut pink shirt, he worked very hard to make sure they stayed face-to-face.
"Hi," she said in her bright voice. He simply stared at her and waited for her to say something else as she flashed her bright white teeth at him. He couldn't bring himself to shape his mouth into words. He simply continue to gaze into her hypnotic eyes. Pale blue with a dark ring around the edge, he could almost feel them boring into his soul. Words continued to fail him until she giggled and looked at him expectantly.
"Hi," he finally eked out.
"So I've been watching you for a while now," she said in a soft voice so only he could hear her, "and I thought it was about time I actually talked to you."
SHE had been watching HIM? He knew for a fact that he had been watching her for nearly all four years of High School and he had never seen her even glance his way. Either she was much sneakier than he figured he was or . . .
"Really?" He muttered.
Really? He couldn't come up with anything better than really?
She giggled again, tickling his heart strings. "Yes, Franc. I've been watching you for a while. And yes, I've noticed you watching me."
Knew it.
She waited for a while just staring into his eyes, waiting for him to say something. He desperately wanted to . . . he wanted to say ANYTHING. But no words came out. He just kept dwelling on the fact that she knew his name. She knew his name and had been watching him . . . how could this get any better?
He could learn her name! He just had to ask!
But there were no words in his mouth . . . or saliva.
Then she spoke again. He swore he could listen to her voice all day. "My name is," she paused dramatically. It was as if she knew what he was thinking. She knew he was on the edge of his seat. She knew he was holding his breath. She knew that all he had been waiting for was the next word that was about to come from her mouth. He watched as she slowly formed her mouth into the first syllable-
Franc picked his head up off the desk to look into the stern face of Ms. Plaisance. "I'm glad you could join us, Mr. Bar," she said in an unnecessarily stern voice. "Now if you don't mind, wipe the drool off your book, leave your dreams at home, and get back to your assignment."
Franc looked over at his beloved. She was still sitting at her desk intensely reading her book. He tried to catch her glance, to find any evidence that what he had just experienced was real.
There wasn't any. It had simply been a dream.
Franc sighed and returned to the epic oh-so-exciting writings of Jules Verne. Wasn't this book supposed to be about a giant squid destroying a super awesome boat? Why was this guy listing off all these stupid fish?
Ugh . . . if only dreams came true . . . if only.
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